
Training Others: How and What to Teach

Featuring Tom Kraeuter Posted on January 23, 2010

There is no question in my mind that the single best way to train someone is by example. The Apostle Paul made a bold statement in Philippians 3:17. He said: “Join with others in following my example.” We must be willing to be an example in life and in ministry. Allow those you are training to see you interacting with your friends and family. Even more importantly, be friends with them. Let them see your life of worship unto the Lord.

Also, be an example to them in leading worship. Do whatever it takes for you to be the example they need. I usually lead worship with my guitar. However, at one point I felt that I should disciple two men on our team. Although they were fine vocalists, neither of them played an instrument. It was obvious to me that the best way to train them was for me to lead worship using only a microphone, just like they eventually would. I was extremely uncomfortable with this, but it was definitely the most effective way. I needed to be an example.

Along with being an example while leading, I also try to make it a point to occasionally review my worship leading with the person that I am training. We sit down together and I explain why I used the Scripture(s) and exhortation(s) I did, why I skipped a song or two on the planned list, etc. I also like to sometimes share my preparation time with them. Finding out how I arrived at the original song list in the first place can be very enlightening for someone learning about leading worship. I have also found it very helpful to occasionally sit with the disciple during the sermon, especially if there is ministry anticipated afterward. I will quietly share my thoughts on songs, altar call, flow, etc. during the sermon. This helps them to start thinking along these lines for themselves.

In sharing with a person you are training it is important to remember to share everything. It is so easy, especially after leading worship for a few years, to take many things for granted. However, the things that seem second nature to you are exactly the things that a novice leader of worship needs to know. Along with these things encourage them to ask questions. If there is anything they do not understand they should ask. Even if you do not always have all the answers, they should be encouraged to ask. This will help sharpen your skills and thinking as well as helping to strengthen your relationship with one another — they get to find out that it is possible to be anointed and not have all the answers. That, in and of itself, is worth its weight in gold.

All of these practical aspects are essential, but do not neglect the basics. Leaders too often assume knowledge on the part of others. It may be worthwhile for you to do a simple Bible study on what worship is and what it is not. Maybe they need to be taught the importance of worship in the life of the believer. These basics should not be overlooked.

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