
Just Another Song? Just Another Year?

Featuring John Telman Posted on December 25, 2008

Sunday after Sunday pass with the singing of many songs.  Some are sung over and over again.  There is nothing wrong with that, unless our minds shut off.  So, as the New Year approaches, let's take some time to remember what we are doing in Worship Ministry and that the most important goal is to exalt the One True and Living God.

To help us take a critical look at what we do, let's consider the following questions:
1)  Do the songs we sing exalt Jesus Christ?
2) Who are we thinking of when we sing?
3) Is God big in our lives?
4) Are we showing others the greatness of God?

In a world that has thousands of attention-grabbers, we do well to remember Hebrews 12:1,2  "Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith."

Often, at the end of each December, leaders of Worship Ministries around the world assess the past year and look forward to the next.  Isn't it interesting how we might judge things?  Good numbers or positive, affirming responses make us feel like it was a successful year.  We begin to formulate plans to surpass the year behind us and move along, like it's just another year.

The good news is that it is not just another year and we aren't just singing another song!  What we do has great significance because of who God is.

If we find ourselves bored with the process of decision-making for another year of rehearsals and potential challenges, it is time to stop and take a serious look at what is causing the feeling of monotony.  It's not about "things".  It's about Him!  God!  We sing another song because of this incredible God who has no equal.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a personal quiet time with God, when an overwhelming feeling of awe came over me as I realized that God is so much more than what I know of him.  What I do know is wonderful but not only do I have this day, I have eternity to learn to know everything there is to know about him.  He is the one who created a billion times a billion worlds, who holds all things together and knows the thoughts of each and every 6 plus billion humans.  With tenderness and love, he invites us even now into a deeper relationshp with him.  Imagine! God invites us!  Shouldn't it be the other way around?  Absolutely not, because God is perfect in love !  He is not like anyone we know.

Is it just another song?  Is it just another year?  Maybe it is, if we look at "things".  But, if we fix our eyes on the great God who has invited us into relationship, it's much more?

Ealier I posed four questions.  The answers to these questions will determine the most appropriate goals we can make for the New Year.  As we step into another day and another year, let's discipline ourselves to focus on God and then in twelve months, let's sit down and assess what happened!
