All Creatures Of Our God And King (Sovereign Grace)

All Creatures Of Our God And King (Sovereign Grace)

All Creatures Of Our God And King
Sovereign GraceCover Sheet Details
Download the Orchestration for All Creatures Of Our God And King by Sovereign Grace, from the album Prayers Of The Saints Live. This song was arranged by Dustin Loehrs / Daniel Galbraith in the key of C, Db.
SongID | 70584 |
Language | English |
Album | Prayers Of The Saints Live |
Artists | Sovereign Grace |
Authors | Jonathan Baird, Ryan Baird, St. Francis Of Assisi |
Arrangers | Dustin Loehrs, Daniel Galbraith |
Publishers | Capitol CMG |
CCLI Song No. | 6529800 |
File Type | |
Original Key | C |
Meter | 4/4 |
Tempo | Slow |
Theme | Adoration, Blood, Burden, Creator, Exaltation, Hallelujah, Hymn, King, Praise, Redemption, Rejoicing, Second Coming, Sin, Singing, Worship, Reign |
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