Top Songs
Tried and true. Call them nostalgic, old, or classic, these songs have stood the test of time at PraiseCharts. Take a look through some of the most memorable praise & worship songs of all time. Many of these songs have piano/vocal, choir sheet, and multitrack arrangements. Check them out here and listen on Spotify!
This list tracks the most popular worship songs overall, dating back exactly 365 days from today. Only the best of the best will ever make it into this list. Watch these trends closely to stay in tune with songs that churches all over the world are singing on a regular basis.
We have hundreds of thousands of musicians representing thousands of churches from all over the world. This list gets updated hourly based on all their activity, tracking the top downloaded worship songs in the last week. Check back regularly, because when new songs hit the airwaves, you'll be able to spot the top trending new worship songs very quickly.
We take pride in the precision of our chord charts so that your musicians can sound like a unified band. We put the right chords over the right words, arranged in sections that follow the original recording, measure for measure. Plus, if you want to make any adjustments, you can edit them right inside the site. Your edits will be available by default any time you access the same song in the future! Musicians download our chord charts more than any other product because they are accurate, clear and editable. Here is a list of our top downloaded chord charts for your praise and worship band! Listen on Spotify.
Not everybody can play and sing by ear. These charts help take out the guesswork for your vocalists and piano player - as long as they can read music! Even if you don't take these charts on stage for live worship, they are a great resource during rehearsals to help solidify what everyone should play and sing in order to come out with a great sound in the end. See other piano/vocal products available here.
These are the most popular choral anthems being sung by church choirs recently added. Arranged and performed differently than the church worship choir, download or print & ship the vocal sheets, choir sheets, and orchestrations needed to complement these performance pieces. Find more choral songs here.
Here is a complete list of the most popular worship songs so far in 2024. With a mix of contemporary and traditional hymns, these powerful melodies and lyrics are perfect for congregational singing.
Here is a complete list of the most popular worship songs so far in 2023. With a mix of contemporary and traditional hymns, these powerful melodies and lyrics are perfect for congregational singing. Find the most popular worship arrangements for 2023 here.
2022 was a year that continued with a global pandemic and pushed the creative minds of artists and churches. Here is a complete list of the most popular worship songs in 2022.
2021 was a year that continued with a global pandemic and pushed the creative minds of artists and churches. There have been some incredible new worship songs written in 2021, including Thank You Jesus For The Blood (Charity Gayle), Hymn Of Heaven (Phil Wickham), and Jireh (Maverick City Music). Here is a complete list of the most popular worship songs in 2021.
2020 is a year that will go down in history. The way we worship and the way we do church was redefined for Christians all over the world. Even so, there have been some incredible new worship songs written in 2020, including The Blessing (Kari Jobe), Graves Into Gardens (Elevation Worship), and Battle Belongs (Phil Wickham). Here is a complete list of the most popular worship songs in 2020.
Looking back at 2019, the world seemed like it was in various forms of chaos. Brexit, fires in the Amazon, the impeachment trials, how could things get worse? Well, you know the story, but there is so much more to remember in 2019, a year that brought us a host of worship songs that we will be singing for years to come. Here are some of the most popular worship songs in 2019.
2018 was the year of wildfires in California, the Royal Wedding of Harry and Meghan, #MeToo, and the death of Aretha Franklin. The world was bracing itself for even more change in the years ahead. But we also remember 2018 as a year that brought some incredible songs of worship. These are the most popular worship songs from 2018.
2017 was the time of President Trump, Hurricane Irma, and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. It was also the year that saw songs like What a Beautiful Name and O Come To The Altar take the stage. This is a complete list of the most popular worship songs from 2017.
2016 was marked by the hit musical Hamilton, the British Brexit vote, the death of Harambe, and the brief utopia of Pokémon Go. Through it all, we sang Good Good Father and so many more amazing worship songs. Here is our complete list of the most popular worship songs in 2016.