
Listening Track (MP3) Details

Download the listening track for The Applause Of Heaven (Choral Anthem SATB) by Lifeway Choral / Arr. Cliff Duren, from the album Non-Seasonal Choral Anthems.


Verse 1 They press on day to day Servants of the cross From every walk of life They share the Love of Christ Not for fortune or fame But counting all things loss They live to testify Through the joy of sacrifice After all is said and done And they've boldly run the race They will receive a crown of life When they see Him Face to face Chorus (They will) hear the applause of Heaven Surrounded by the saints of all time The heroes of the faith Line the pathway to the throne Cheering them (us) on as they (we) Hear the words they've (we've) waited for so long Well done Verse 2 For the Glory of the Lord True believers everywhere Are letting Christ shine through In the simple things they do Hands are reaching to the poor Hearts are crying out in prayer Feet are carrying good news Lips are speaking forth the truth These dedicated faithful ones Whose reward on earth seems small One day will be exalted Yet it will be worth it all when they Bridge Let us press on toward the mark of the high calling Press on toward the goal to win the prize Our labor will be known as we bow before His Throne Face to face we will look into His eyes, His eyes and we will Ending Well done My good and faithful child well done...