Praise You Anywhere Devotional
I’ll Praise You … On The Mountain
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."
"The Praise and Worship Band will be coming up to lead us."
"Praise The Father, Praise The Son."
We often talk about praising God. In fact, we often use the word “praise” in Christian circles. But what does that truly mean? And what does that truly look like?
A quick Google search will show you that there are at least eight documented words for “praise." Hallah, Yadah, Barak, Tehillah, Zamar, Todah, and Hallelujah. Each has a different connotation – some religious and some not – but each carries a special weight.
And if there are eight words for praise, that means that there must be at least eight ways to praise, right? Yadah is worshiping with extended hands. Barak is denoting blessing, often seen at the beginning of a prayer. Tehillah is to sing a song of praise. So, how do we know what it looks like to truly praise the Lord? Let alone, praise Him anywhere?
We look to His scriptures and the ways that we have been taught to praise God!
Today, we will focus on praising God from the mountaintop, when everything is good and well with our souls. In Luke 17, we get to read about a miraculous event that took place when Jesus healed 10 men of leprosy. Our Savior was on His way back to Jerusalem when 10 men called out to Him, asking for pity: “They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, ‘Jesus, Master, have pity on us.'" (Luke 17:12)
Now, if someone had leprosy during that time and it had gone away, they would have to go to a priest to be examined and pronounced “clean” before they could re-enter society. So, this is what Jesus commanded them to do. They went in faith before even experiencing healing, and then, on their way, they were fully cleansed.
What a wonderful miracle, right? Yes! But the story doesn’t stop there. Verse 15 tells us, “One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him - and he was a Samaritan.” (Luke 17:5)
Samaritans were hated by Jews during that time because they regarded them as “half-breeds. They were seen as lesser than, and all around dirty. In fact, most Jews would never even step foot in Samaria (hence the scandal of Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman). But, as we know now, Jesus came for all His children. And, as our Savior will point out in this story, this Samaritan was the only one to return to praise God. He recognized the power of Jesus and wanted to praise the God from whom it came from.
So He did, and Jesus blessed him saying, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well,” (Luke 17:19). What a declaration!
The word for praise in this particular chapter is doxazó, meaning to bestow glory upon. It’s a beautiful word showing the beauty of the Samaritan’s worship. But he was only one of 10. The truth is, oftentimes we can be a lot more like the nine who never came back to praise Jesus than the one who did. We don’t do it on purpose, but sometimes when we experience a blessing or a miracle, we are so enthralled in it that we forget to lift our eyes to the One who gave it to us. However, let this be a challenge to each of us not to forget about God on the mountaintop. After all, He guided us there. He walked with us there. And He probably even carried us to the top of it.
Take a moment to listen to “Praise You Anywhere” by Brandon Lake and reflect:
- Is there a mountaintop or blessing that you have forgotten to praise God for?
- If so, take the time to praise Him now.
Based on the song Praise You Anywhere by Brandon Lake. Original post by Essential Music available on YouVersion.
Last Updated: February 7, 2025
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The song Come Unto Jesus beautifully encapsulates the heartfelt invitation from Christ Himself. This invitation is not just to the religious or the righteous but to the weary, the broken, and the burdened. It's a call to find solace in the arms of the Savior. 1. The Sanctuary for the Weary: The world can be overwhelming. Our lives are often filled with challenges, heartbreaks, and moments of despair. But in the midst of this turbulence, there's an unchanging refuge in Jesus. The song reminds us that no matter how heavy our hearts or the burdens we carry, Jesus is mighty to heal. He stands ready to mend our wounds and renew our spirits. 2. The Comfort for the Straying: Many times, we may feel lost, wandering without direction or purpose. In these moments of uncertainty, Jesus offers Himself as the light, guiding us back to the path of righteousness and peace. His voice, gentle and reassuring, reminds us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. 3. The Feast for the Hungry: Beyond our physical needs, there's a deeper hunger within our souls—a longing for purpose, love, and acceptance. Jesus invites us to partake of the Bread of Life, to drink from the cup of His everlasting promise. This feast isn't just about sustenance; it's about experiencing the unending grace and love of the Father. 4. The Call to Surrender: Jesus doesn't just offer rest; He offers a new way of life. It's a call to forsake our old ways, our worldly pursuits, and to take up our cross. In surrendering, we find life in its fullest measure—a life of purpose, joy, and eternal hope. 5. The Promise of Rest: The chorus of the song resounds with a simple yet profound truth: In Jesus, we find rest. Not just physical rest but a deep, soul-satisfying rest that the world cannot give. It's a rest that comes from knowing we are loved, accepted, and secured in Him. As we reflect on this song, let's remember that the invitation to come unto Jesus is not a one-time event. It's a daily call—a reminder that every day, in every circumstance, Jesus stands ready to offer His love, His grace, and His peace. Perhaps today you feel overwhelmed by life's burdens. Maybe you're wrestling with doubts, fears, or feelings of unworthiness. Whatever you're facing, hear the Savior's call afresh: "Come unto me." Lay down your burdens at His feet. Find rest in His love. Experience the joy, peace, and renewal only He can give. Today, may we respond to this loving invitation. Let's come unto Jesus, laying down our burdens, our worries, and our anxieties, and find true rest in His boundless love and grace.Matthew 11:28-30 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
The journey of faith is a continuous ebb and flow of drawing nearer to God, of letting our own desires and ambitions fade as the brilliance of Christ shines brighter within us. In the profound worship anthem Christ Be Magnified by Cody Carnes, we hear a heartfelt cry for the exaltation of Jesus in our lives, a desire that mirrors John the Baptist's declaration in John 3:30. The song begins with an earnest plea, *"Were creation suddenly articulate with a thousand tongues to lift one cry, then from north to south and east to west, we'd hear 'Christ be magnified!'”* These powerful words set the stage for a narrative that underscores the importance of Christ's preeminence in all things. John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, embodied this sentiment. Though he had a significant ministry, drawing people from all over to the message of repentance, John always retained sight of his primary purpose: to point people to Christ. When his disciples felt a tinge of jealousy because Jesus was drawing bigger crowds, John's response was clear and humble: "He must increase, but I must decrease." How can we embrace this same posture in our daily lives, allowing Christ to be magnified in every situation? 1. Surrender Daily: Each day offers new challenges and new opportunities. By starting our day with a prayer of surrender, we signal to God our willingness to let Him lead. "Christ be magnified" is not just a phrase; it's a daily commitment. 2. Embrace Humility: John's willingness to play second fiddle to Jesus is a powerful lesson in humility. Recognizing that all gifts, talents, and opportunities come from God helps us use them to point others to Him rather than drawing attention to ourselves. 3. Seek His Glory, Not Yours: In every accomplishment, every praise, and every platform, our primary aim should be the glorification of Christ. As the chorus of the song resounds, *"Oh, Christ be magnified! Let His praise arise! Christ be magnified in me,”* let that be our genuine prayer in every season. The bridge of Christ Be Magnified offers a beautiful surrender: *"I won't bow to idols, I'll stand strong and worship You. And if it puts me in the fire, I'll rejoice because You're there too."* This mirrors the sentiment of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar's golden image, confident that God was with them even in the fiery furnace. Being a Christian doesn't mean we'll escape challenges. In fact, there might be situations where standing up for Christ puts us in difficult positions. However, like the heroes of faith before us, our resolve should remain unshaken. For when we stand with Christ, we are in the best company. Today, as you hum or sing Christ Be Magnified, take a moment to introspect. Are there areas in your life where you've been increasing and Christ has been decreasing? It's never too late to realign. Let's allow this song to become the anthem of our hearts, a continuous prayer that in every moment, every situation, and every season, Christ would be magnified.John 3:30 - "He must increase, but I must decrease."
In a world where accomplishments and personal success are highly valued, we often find ourselves measuring worth by what we can achieve, how we're perceived, or how much we can accumulate. It's easy to boast in the wrong things — our talents, careers, wealth, or influence. But the heart of the gospel teaches us a very different truth: all our boasting should be in Jesus alone. The song "All My Boast Is In Jesus" by Keith & Kristyn Getty reminds us of this eternal truth. It echoes the words of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:14, “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” The Heart of Humility The song invites us to a posture of humility and surrender. Every line emphasizes that, as believers, we have nothing to offer of our own merit. Our salvation, our hope, our future—everything hinges on Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. In a world that says, "Look at me," this song teaches us to say, "Look at Him." Boasting in Jesus doesn't mean we live with a sense of self-deprecation or false humility. Instead, it means that our identity is fully wrapped up in who He is and what He has done for us. Our value is not in our performance but in the price that was paid for us. Boasting in Redemption One of the powerful aspects of this song is its emphasis on redemption. We once were lost, dead in our sins, without hope. But through Christ's sacrifice, we have been bought, washed, and made new. Our lives now stand as testimonies of His mercy and grace. Psalm 34:2 beautifully captures this heart of boasting: “My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad.” Boasting in Jesus means we declare His goodness not only to ourselves but also to others. It's an invitation for those around us to see the beauty and grace of God at work in our lives. A Call to Worship All My Boast Is In Jesus is more than just a song of personal reflection; it's a call to corporate worship. When we gather as the body of Christ, we are collectively declaring that our worth, our future, and our hope are not in what we've done but in what Christ has done. The song brings us back to the heart of worship: glorifying God for who He is and what He has done. It's a reminder that no matter our circumstances, Christ remains the foundation of our lives. In every season, we can boast in Him, trusting that He is faithful, good, and mighty to save. Reflection As you listen to or sing "All My Boast Is In Jesus," let it draw you into a deeper place of trust and worship. Ask yourself: Where have I been tempted to place my boast outside of Christ? How does understanding my redemption through Jesus impact how I live today? Who in my life can I share this message of hope and redemption with? May we live in the light of this beautiful truth: our boast is in Christ alone—in His grace, His mercy, and His love. Let this song be a declaration, a daily reminder, that Jesus is our everything, and it is in Him that we find true glory. “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness.” – Psalm 115:1
The song "Pass The Promise" by Keith & Kristyn Getty and Sandra McCracken is a powerful reminder of the call to faithfully pass on the truths of God's promises from one generation to the next. Drawing inspiration from the Psalms and the biblical mandate to instruct our children and their children (Psalm 78:4-7), the song serves as a declaration of our responsibility to ensure that the gospel is lived, shared, and cherished by future generations. A Legacy of Faith The promise of God's faithfulness, grace, and salvation is not something we hold onto for ourselves alone. It is a treasure meant to be shared, a gift meant to flow through us to others. In Deuteronomy 6:6-7, God commands His people to impress His words on their children, speaking of them when they sit at home and when they walk along the road. This active call to discipleship within the family shows that passing the promise is not merely about teaching doctrines—it's about living out faith in every aspect of life. "Pass The Promise" echoes this sentiment, encouraging us to sing and proclaim the goodness of the Lord not just for today, but so that the faith we hold will continue to bless those who come after us. When we choose to live in light of God's promises, our lives become testimonies that others—especially our children and younger generations—can follow. Building a Faith That Endures What does it mean to pass the promise? It means we live with eternity in mind, investing in things that last beyond our own lifetime. We teach, we encourage, we disciple, and we love in a way that builds others up to do the same. Whether you have biological children or you are a spiritual parent or mentor to someone, your influence can shape the faith of the future Church. Consider the examples in Scripture of generational faith. Timothy, mentored by the Apostle Paul, was said to have a sincere faith that first lived in his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice (2 Timothy 1:5). The faith that Timothy carried was cultivated through the generations before him—his legacy was a continuation of God's work through his family. Like Timothy's family, we have the privilege of creating a legacy of faith. But this doesn't happen by accident—it requires intentionality. As the song reminds us, we are called to continually speak and sing of God's promises so that others might know Him as we do. When we recount the ways God has been faithful, we sow seeds of hope, trust, and belief in His character for those who come after us. The Promise of His Presence Ultimately, the promise we pass on is not just abstract truths, but the very presence of God with us. The chorus of "Pass The Promise" reminds us that as we carry the promise, we declare that His steadfast love endures forever. This enduring love is our anchor, giving us confidence to entrust the next generation with the truth of who God is. In a world where change is constant, passing the promise of God's unwavering love and faithfulness becomes a stabilizing force. It offers a firm foundation for the future, a future in which we trust that God will continue to work in ways beyond what we can see. A Prayer of Faithful Stewardship As we reflect on this song, let's pray for grace to faithfully pass the promise to the next generation: Lord, thank You for Your steadfast love and the promises You have given us. Help us to live in such a way that our lives become a testimony of Your faithfulness. Give us the wisdom and courage to pass the promise of Your truth to those who come after us. May we be diligent in teaching, encouraging, and building up others, so that Your name will be praised for generations to come. In Jesus' name, amen. "Pass The Promise" is not only a song—it's a call to action. As we sing it, may we also live it, investing in others so that the hope of Christ continues to shine brightly in the generations yet to come.
In the book of Joshua, we encounter a powerful declaration of faith and commitment: "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). This proclamation by Joshua serves as the foundation for the song "As For Me And My House," reminding us of the intentional choice we must make daily to honor and serve God in every aspect of our lives—especially within our families. In a world where distractions and competing priorities can easily pull us away from our core values, this song stands as a rallying cry for households to stand firm in faith. The message is simple yet profound: God's sovereignty extends to every corner of our homes, and we are called to lead our families with the same unwavering trust and obedience that Joshua displayed. The Sacred Call to Lead As Christians, we are given the responsibility to lead those in our care toward a deeper understanding of God's love and truth. Whether you're a parent, grandparent, spouse, or friend, this call to leadership transcends roles. "As For Me And My House" challenges us to examine the spiritual climate of our homes and to ensure that Christ remains at the center of our daily rhythms—through prayer, worship, and biblical instruction. The song echoes the sentiment that faith is not passive but an active choice. It's not simply a set of rules to follow but a lifestyle of grace and commitment to Jesus. It's about creating an environment where God is glorified and where His truth is lived out in love and service. Leading your family doesn't require perfection; it requires faithfulness. The Power of Unity in Christ One of the most beautiful aspects of the song is how it emphasizes unity in Christ within the household. A home built on Christ's foundation is one that flourishes in peace, love, and understanding. The lyrics serve as a reminder that when we commit to serving the Lord together as a family, we experience the fullness of His blessing and grace. In a culture that often encourages division and individualism, this song redirects our focus to the biblical mandate of unity. When our homes are centered on Christ, our relationships become healthier, our conflicts are resolved with grace, and our love for one another reflects the love God has for us. This unity becomes a powerful witness to the world of God's transforming power. Standing Firm in the Face of Opposition Joshua's declaration was made in a time when the Israelites faced numerous external pressures and temptations to follow other gods. Similarly, today's families encounter countless challenges and distractions that can pull us away from God's path. "As For Me And My House" encourages us to stand firm, even when society pushes us in a different direction. We are reminded to remain steadfast in our faith, boldly proclaiming that our homes belong to the Lord. A Prayer for Our Homes As we reflect on the message of this song, let us be intentional in making our homes places of worship, love, and spiritual growth. Let us pray for God's guidance in leading our families, asking for His strength to remain faithful and His wisdom to instill His truth in our hearts. Prayer: Lord, we dedicate our homes to You. Help us to lead our families with grace and faithfulness, always keeping You at the center. Let our homes reflect Your love and truth, and may we stand firm in our commitment to serve You, no matter the challenges we face. Amen. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Let this be the anthem of our lives, not just a momentary decision but a lifelong commitment to honor God in every part of our family's journey.
In the miniseries, The Chosen, there's a moving scene that beautifully illustrates the relentless nature of faith. Friends of a paralyzed man, unable to get to Jesus due to the dense crowd, climb to the roof of the house, tearing off tiles, and lower their friend down to the Savior. It's a tangible act of desperate faith, embodying the lyrics of Brandon Lake's Tear Off The Roof. The line, "Tear off the roof, the King's in the house. Just get me to Jesus, I don't care how," captures the essence of that raw determination to reach Jesus, no matter the barriers. Many times, in our lives, circumstances, doubts, or the opinions of others can crowd our path to Jesus. But the song and the scene both remind us that sometimes, faith demands unconventional methods. The chorus magnifies the unmatched power found in Jesus' presence - a power that transcends our understanding and challenges our perceptions. "There's power in the presence, power in the blood, power in the name of Jesus." This isn't mere ritualistic power but transformative power – the kind that heals, saves, and restores. The lyric "He has more in the hem of His garment, then the camp of the enemy" alludes to the biblical account where a woman, having suffered for years, believed that merely touching Jesus' garment would heal her. Her faith, like that of the friends in The Chosen, pushed past societal norms and personal reservations. Both the scene and the song converge on a pivotal truth: the environment around Jesus is thick with potential. It's laden with the promise of change, healing, and revival. The bridge encapsulates this atmosphere, speaking of the "life-changing, grave shaking, dead-raising power in the room." However, accessing this power requires more than just a casual approach. The paralyzed man's friends didn't just 'hope' for a healing; they actively pursued it. "I didn't come here to hide in the crowd," the song declares, challenging us to evaluate our approach towards our faith and relationship with Jesus. Are we mere spectators, or are we tearing off roofs to get closer to Him? In the realm of faith, desperation is an asset. When combined with unwavering trust in God's power, it becomes an unstoppable force that challenges norms, breaks barriers, and ushers in miracles. As you reflect on this song and the heart-gripping scene from The Chosen, ask yourself: 1. Determination: What 'roofs' are you willing to tear off in your life to get closer to Jesus? 2. Belief: Do you truly believe in the transformative power of Jesus' presence? 3. Action: How are you actively pursuing your faith beyond just being part of the crowd? Let the raw faith portrayed in the miniseries and the passionate lyrics of Tear Off The Roof inspire you to deepen your pursuit of Jesus. For in His presence, the impossible becomes possible, and the unreachable becomes tangible. Mark 2:4 (NIV) "Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on."
“All it takes is one moment, and just one touch from You…” Every time I sing these words, the weight of their meaning hits me every single time. We serve a God who is so powerful, so all-encompassing, and so gracious, that it takes just a moment for Him to change everything if we allow Him to do so. I Came for You is more than just a song, it's an invitation.Throughout my life I have spent many seasons praying for God to bring a breakthrough in various areas, and I often felt like I was banging my fists against a brick wall. I would approach God and ask Him to turn things around, but would ultimately find myself farther from His presence than where I started. It was the strangest occurrence, and I couldn't figure out why it was happening.I remember one day in the middle of a very difficult season, I came to the end of my rope and told God I was done talking because nothing was happening. You know those moments where it's almost like you can hear God laugh at you? Not in an unkind way, but in a way a Father would lovingly laugh at His child when they do something silly. Well, I heard that chuckle. In my frustration I asked Him what on earth He was laughing at and simply felt Him say, “Good. I've been waiting to do some talking. Are you ready to listen now, sweetheart?”I was floored. Right then I realized that in all of my praying and seeking an answer from the Father, I never actually invited Him into the problem in the first place. I put my need for an answer to my problem above my desire to simply be near Papa God. When I finally just invited Him into the conversation, and simply delighted in His presence, I realized the answer was always there. The answer to every problem is His presence.“Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)Life is full of seasons, of ups and downs. As Christians we aren't promised a problem-free life. There won't always be an immediate answer to our current issue. Sometimes the answer comes right away; sometimes the answer is decades down the road. However, there is one thing that we are promised, and that is His presence. My encouragement to you is this: Invite Him in. Make way and make room for Holy Spirit to come into your situation. Sometimes we just need to cut out the noise of our own well-intentioned voices and allow Papa God to minister to our spirits. The answer is in the encounter with Him, not the other way around. Based on the song I Came For You by Planetshakers Original post available on YouVersion based on the album - Overflow.
I'll Praise You … In The Valley As we jump into day two of learning to praise God anywhere, we find ourselves on the opposite side of the mountain: deep in the valley. We all learned about valleys fairly early in life, probably in a science/history/geography type class. In between two mountains is a valley, a low area where the sky is darker and the nights are colder. And then there's the metaphorical valley, where the nights are full of shadows and darkness. We feel doubt, we feel alone, and we feel fatigued. It's hard to see God, let alone praise Him, when we are in a valley. However, Psalm 42 can be our road map in times of deep struggle and stress. The writer of Psalm 42 (called the “sons of Korah”) holds the key to praising God in a valley, and it starts with deep honesty. “My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, 'Where is your God?'... Why my soul are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?” (Psalm 42:3, 5) In the valley, your tears can feel like the only things you feel, that sting of saltwater on your cheeks. In the valley, God feels like a question mark. Where is He? Is He real? In the valley, your soul feels weak and heavy. You feel ruined. You feel tired. You feel disturbed by the sin and pain of the world. If you have felt these things or if you are feeling them now, please know that you are not alone. The author of Psalm 42 has felt them. Psalm 42, however, then takes a unique shift. In the midst of depression and deep grief, the Psalmist turns to praise and remembrance. In fact, verse 5 alone shows a sweet juxtaposition of grief and praise, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God,” (Psalm 42:5). For I will yet praise Him – what a POWERFUL piece of scripture! The Psalmist recognizes that he will not immediately feel better. Praise may not lift him out of the valley. But, he will turn his eyes to God and what He's done before. Praising Him for the past, present, and what He would do next. The word used for praise here is yadah, one that we discussed on day one. It's a type of praise in which one is casting out worship, with their hands extended. There is surrender embedded in this type of praise, and that's what we need in the valley. That's how we find the strength to praise God anyway and anywhere, despite our circumstances. It's turning our eyes to Him – recognizing His love and compassion for us, despite the valley that may surround us. Just like God was carrying us to the mountaintop, He also is holding us in the valleys. Verse 6 brings us another note for praising God in the valley: remembrance. “My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you…” (Psalm 42:6). When we turn our eyes from the valley to God Himself and all He's done before, we can praise Him for the mountains of the past, even while in the valley. He is faithful and He will continue to be faithful, always. Take a moment to listen to “Praise You Anywhere” by Brandon Lake and reflect: Where are you experiencing a valley in life right now? Where does it feel hardest to praise God? Remember one thing where God showed up, and take a moment to thank Him for that moment. Based on the song Praise You Anywhere by Brandon Lake. Original post by Essential Music available on YouVersion.
I'll Praise You … In The Ordinary We've taken the time to learn about praising God in the mountains and in the valleys, but what about the in-between? In the song “Praise You Anywhere,” Brandon Lake sings: “Sometimes you've gotta welcome the wonder, wait for the answer, worship with your hands in the air.” And sometimes, we find ourselves just waiting. We walk through the days with a mundane feeling - nothing is bad but nothing is great either. And yet, God calls us to praise Him anywhere with faithfulness. You may know the story of Stephen, the first martyr in the Church, who was stoned to death for his faith in God (found in Acts 7). This was a courageous act of faith, one that we can all look up to. However, if we flip back to Acts 6, we can see the background of who Stephen really was - and His ordinary praise towards God. Acts 6 included a conversation between the 12 apostles who were struck with the problem of widows being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. To remedy this, the 12 decided to choose seven men to whom they would delegate the task of food distribution. “Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:3). And one of these men was Stephen. He was a faithful man, full of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit's wisdom, which is why he was chosen for the task. Yet the task was a small one. It wasn't a valley task, after all. He was chosen for something, but it certainly wasn't a mountain task. Even the 12 mentioned the difference between their ministry of the word of God to the idea of waiting tables (Acts 6:2), meaning that the mission of God should not be stopped by the struggle of administration. Yet, Stephen was deemed worthy of the responsibility of taking care of the widows in his community and he did it with praise. In fact, the reason Stephen was then seized by the Sanhedrin came down to the fullness of God's grace and power that was upon him. He glorified God well, even in the ordinary. And Stephen used his ordinary days to serve God faithfully, thus preparing him to be chosen by God for a deep sacrifice. More than often, our days won't be spent in a valley or on a mountaintop. Instead, we'll have to praise God faithfully in the mundane. And sometimes, praising God looks like serving His people well. After all, He loves His Creation (so much so that He sent His Son for us), and we can glorify Him well in spaces of service. Take a moment to listen to “Praise You Anywhere” by Brandon Lake and reflect: What is something that you do every day? How can you bring God into that simple act or habit? How can you currently be faithful with what you have right now? Take a moment to breathe in and out. You are cared for by the heavenly Father, and He enjoys every moment you spend praising Him. Based on the song Praise You Anywhere by Brandon Lake. Original post by Essential Music available on YouVersion.
In the cacophony of life's demands, expectations, and challenges, there are times when we may feel distant, unworthy, or too burdened to approach the throne of grace. The song "O Come All You Unfaithful" by Sovereign Grace beautifully captures the essence of God's invitation to every heart, irrespective of its state. "O come, all you unfaithful, Come, weak and unstable, Come, know you are not alone." These opening lines, reminiscent of a classic carol, echo a divine call to those who feel they've strayed too far, those battling insecurities, and those weighed down by life's uncertainties. It's a reminder that no matter our condition, God's arms are open wide, beckoning us to find solace and strength in Him. The key scripture from Matthew is a direct invitation from Jesus. In a world that continually pushes us to do more, be more, and achieve more, Christ offers an oasis of rest. But it's essential to understand the depth of this invitation: 1. An Invitation to All: Jesus didn't specify any prerequisites. Whether you feel on top of your spiritual game or distant and doubtful, His call is to everyone. Similarly, the song emphasizes, *"O come, all you questioners, searching for answers,"* highlighting that all seekers are welcome. 2. Promise of Rest: Not just physical rest, but a deep-seated soul rest. The burdens we carry—whether guilt, shame, anxiety, or the weight of our failures—can be exhausting. Jesus offers to trade these heavy burdens for His light and easy yoke. 3. A Journey of Learning: Jesus calls us to learn from Him. He, being the embodiment of humility and gentleness, offers lessons that aren't harsh or taxing but filled with grace and mercy. As the song progresses, we're reminded of the reason behind this divine invitation: "O come, all you broken and broke, Come, helpless and hurt, wounded and worn, Oh come, all you broken and broke, King Jesus, your Saviour adorns." This is the crux of the Gospel. Jesus, the King of kings, chose to adorn, or wear, our sins and brokenness on the cross, offering redemption, restoration, and hope. His sacrifice ensures that no one is too far gone, too broken, or too lost to be welcomed back into the Father's embrace. Today, as the lyrics of "O Come All You Unfaithful" echo in your heart, let them serve as a reminder of this open invitation. If you feel burdened by guilt, remember that His arms bore the weight of all sin on the cross. If you're grappling with doubt, remember His constant faithfulness, even in our faithlessness. Whether today finds you rejoicing in His presence or hesitant at the door, know that the invitation stands. With arms wide open, Jesus says, "Come." And in coming to Him, we find more than just rest; we discover unconditional love, boundless grace, and a peace that surpasses all understanding. In every season, may our hearts respond to this divine call, finding refuge, hope, and rest in the Savior who adorns and adores us.Matthew 11:28-30 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Amidst the storms of life, our souls cry out for stability and assurance. In the swirling winds of uncertainty, where do we anchor our hearts? The beautiful song "Firm Foundation" by Cody Carnes provides a poignant reminder of the unwavering foundation we possess in Jesus Christ. When everything else is shifting and unpredictable, Christ remains our steadfast anchor. The foundation of a building is of utmost importance. It's not the part that's typically celebrated or photographed, yet it's vital for the building's survival. It holds everything else up, determining the structure's strength and longevity. Similarly, in our spiritual lives, what we choose as our foundation determines our spiritual health, resilience, and growth. Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 3:11 draw attention to the only foundation worthy of our trust: Jesus Christ. As believers, we might occasionally get swayed by other "foundations" – our achievements, societal expectations, or even our emotions. These, however, are shaky grounds, bound to crumble under pressure. Christ alone is the enduring foundation. It's a melodic testimony of someone who has found a solid foundation in the midst of an ever-changing world. By building our lives on Christ, we don't merely find a foundation; we find *the* foundation that has stood the test of time, the foundation that was established before time itself. The word "foundation" evokes imagery of something robust, durable, and unshakeable. When you look at a skyscraper, you marvel at its height and beauty, but what keeps it standing tall against fierce winds and storms is its foundation buried deep within the earth. It's unseen but indispensable. Our relationship with Christ is similar. The outside world might only see our actions, our external expressions of faith, but it's our inner, often unseen relationship with Christ that gives us the strength to stand tall. So, how do we ensure we're building on this firm foundation? 1. Delve Deep into the Word: Just as a building's foundation is buried deep, our roots should sink deep into the Scriptures. Consistent engagement with God's Word provides us with wisdom and insight. 2. Constant Communication: A foundation strengthens when it's cared for. Our relationship with Jesus grows stronger through prayer, where we talk, listen, and lean into His presence. 3. Surround Yourself with Believers: Just as steel rods reinforce a foundation, fellow believers provide support, holding us accountable and encouraging our walk with God. As Cody Carnes sings, let's take a moment to introspect. What are we building our lives upon? If it's anything other than Jesus, it's time to re-evaluate and re-build. For in Christ, we find a foundation that's unshakeable, a Rock that remains steadfast amidst the harshest storms of life. Today, choose to stand firmly on the Rock that is Jesus. With Him as your foundation, you can face every challenge, navigate every storm, and emerge stronger and more resilient, a testimony to the world of the enduring love and strength of our Savior.1 Corinthians 3:11 - *"For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.