Song Lists

King Of Kings Devotional

In the darkness we were waiting Without hope, without light Till from heaven You came running There was mercy in Your eyes King of Kings Words and Music by Brooke Ligertwood, Scott Ligertwood & Jason Ingram © 2019 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia & Fellow Ships Music/So Essential Tunes (admin at There is no doubt - we all began in darkness. In fact, the earth itself was covered in darkness, until the Creator came and spoke light and breathed life into His creation. Today, God is still breathing life into dead things. Our kind Saviour is still bringing light to dark places, hope to hopeless situations, possibility to impossible circumstances. But before we entered His light, we were in darkness. And before we knew true life, we were destined for death. And before coming awake, we were asleep. The Bible puts it like this: โ€œYou were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins.” Colossians 2.13 (NIV) Earlier this year our Senior Pastor, Bobbie Houston, asked the question โ€œDo you remember the day the lights went on?” What about you? Do you remember the day you found salvation, and the weight of sin lifted off you? The day that from heaven, Jesus came running with mercy in His eyes? Ready to awaken you to all of the hope, grace, peace and joy that is life with Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that you would remember that moment. That as you listen to the songs from this new album, the lyrics would remind you that you were once in darkness but have been brought into the light – illuminated now to illuminate others. Based on the song King Of Kings by Brooke Ligertwood, Scott Ligertwood, and Jason Ingrim. Original post by Hillsong Worship available on YouVersion based on the album - Awake by Hillsong Worship.

Song List
Glorious Day Devotional

You called my name, and I ran out of that grave! We as followers of Jesus can proclaim this because of who He is and what He has done. Sin doesn't just make us bad; it makes us dead. We were all in desperate need of a Savior. Not only did Jesus die for our sin, but he was raised to everlasting life! He was the first to run out of that grave, and when we trust him with our lives we are right there with him in glory—eternal life both now and forever. In John 11, Jesus raises a dead man to life, crying out at his tomb: โ€œLazarus, come out!” He says the same to you and to me: โ€œ_________, come out!” He knows your name, and calls you out of your grave. Get up! Unwind the grave clothes of sin and shame, you have been set free, raised to glorious life because of Jesus' resurrection. All the chains of your past and the worries for your future have been swallowed up forever in victory. Scripture says that the very same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead is living in each of us who follow Jesus. This is a reality for you today. You can therefore declare confidently that God has called your name, and Jesus has defeated whatever threatens to entangle, discourage, or thwart you from this promise today. Jesus, because of you, I have a future and my eyes are open. Thank you for calling my name! I worship you and give you glory. Let me not be taken down by apathy, entangled by old sins, or paralyzed by fear and discouragement. I believe chains break at the weight of your glory. Help me remember who you are, whose I am, and live a life that brings you glory. In your name, Amen. Based on the song Glorious Day by Jason Ingram, Jonathan Smith, Sean Curran, Kristian Stanfill. Original post by Passion Music available on YouVersion based on the live album - Passion: Worthy Of Your Name, featuring worship songs from Passion Band, Chris Tomlin, Crowder, Matt Redman, Jimi Cravity & more!

Song List
Angels (Glory To God) Devotional

The beauty of Christmas is that it brings us back to the night heaven touched earth, when angels proclaimed the birth of the Savior. Phil Wickham's rendition of "Angels (Glory To God)" carries the timeless message of the classic carol "Angels We Have Heard On High," but adds a fresh sense of awe as we declare, "Glory to God in the highest forever." In the opening refrain, "Gloria in excelsis Deo," we are invited to join the heavenly chorus, echoing the angels' praise over the plains and mountains. This song of the angels isn't just for that night in Bethlehem but continues to reverberate through time, calling us to lift our voices in joyful adoration. As the shepherds heard the angelic proclamation, they were moved to respond with wonder and jubilee. In the same way, we are invited to consider why this news of Jesus' birth brings such joy. His coming is the fulfillment of every promise, the embodiment of God's unfailing love. The bridge of this song reminds us: "Glory to God in the highest forever." This is a declaration not just for Christmas but for all seasons of life. Christ's birth marks the beginning of God's great rescue plan, His relentless pursuit of humanity. In every moment, whether in joy or trial, we can sing with the angels, for God's love endures forever. As we come to the final verse, we are beckoned to Bethlehem, to come and see the newborn King. There, on bended knee, we recognize that Jesus, the Lord of all creation, chose to humble Himself and take on flesh. The angels' song wasn't just a fleeting moment of glory—it was the prelude to the ultimate display of God's love on the cross. This Christmas, let the song of the angels awaken your heart to the wonder of the gospel. Just as the angels couldn't contain their praise, let your life be a reflection of their song—declaring glory to God in the highest, forever. Reflection: How does the message of the angels challenge you to respond to Christ this Christmas? In what areas of your life can you lift your voice in praise, declaring "Glory to God" for His faithfulness and love? This Christmas, may your heart sing, "Gloria, in excelsis Deo!"

Song List
Behold (with O Holy Night) Devotional

Our world, entangled in the chains of sin, desperately yearned for salvation. Humanity's endeavors, despite their nobility and fervor, could never bridge the chasm separating us from the divine. Yet, in His boundless love and wisdom, God orchestrated the greatest rescue mission ever known. As expressed in Phil Wickham's song "Behold," the Savior's arrival from heaven's glory to the cradle of Bethlehem is both unexpected and unparalleled. "Behold the King has come, divinity incarnate Creator of the world, breathing our air..." 1. A Divine Descent: The first verse encapsulates the magnitude of Jesus' coming. The King, the Creator, choosing to breathe our air, dwell among us, and shine His light in our midst is a profound mystery. This divine descent wasn't marked by royal fanfare but was wrapped in the humility of a baby's birth. It was a clear testament that God's ways are beyond human comprehension. 2. The Price of Love: "Behold the Father's love, beyond all comprehension He gave His only Son to die in our place..." The Father's love is profound and beyond our grasp. A love so great that He sacrificed His only Son to redeem us. Our salvation required more than just divine visitation; it demanded divine substitution. Jesus was not only born to teach, heal, and guide but, most importantly, to sacrifice Himself on the cross. His birth was a divine promise, and His death was the fulfillment of that promise. 3. The Joy of Christmas: "O Holy Night..." brings us to the reverential heart of Christmas. It invites us to drop to our knees in awe, echoing the melodies of angelic hosts, proclaiming the divinity of that sacred night. It isn't just about festive lights, joyful carols, or exchanging gifts. It's about pausing and realizing the immense depth of God's love, demonstrated in the birth and sacrifice of Jesus. 4. Eternal Worship: "Come let us adore Him..." beckons every heart to continuous worship. To adore Jesus is not just a seasonal act but an eternal commitment. Recognizing His worthiness and surrendering in adoration isn't merely a response to a song but should be the posture of our hearts each day. Today, as you ponder on the poignant themes of "Behold," allow your heart to be stirred afresh. The Savior's story isn't just a historical narrative but a living testament of God's unfailing love. In every circumstance, whether in moments of joy or amidst life's storms, let the truth of Jesus' sacrificial love anchor your soul. His coming wasn't just to illuminate a single night in Bethlehem but to brighten every facet of our lives. So, as you navigate your daily journey, may the chorus of "Behold" resonate within - driving you to ceaseless worship, profound gratitude, and unwavering faith. Let the wonder of Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection redefine your perspective, prompting you to live a life that continually beholds and magnifies the Savior.John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Song List