Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids
Featured Albums
Featured in These Lists

These worship songs about protection remind us of God's steadfast presence and shelter through every trial. With lyrics that speak to His role as our defender and refuge, these songs inspire trust in God's unfailing care. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to lead your congregation in worship that celebrates God's protective hand over our lives.

Discover worship songs in a 6/8 time signature, bringing a flowing, lyrical quality to your services. These songs are perfect for intimate, reflective worship moments. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to introduce songs in 6/8, offering a unique rhythmic feel that enhances worship expression.

Worship songs in 4/4 provide a steady, familiar rhythm, making them versatile for both upbeat praise and deep, reflective worship. This time signature is widely used, making these songs easy for congregations to sing along and engage with fully. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to equip your worship team in delivering these 4/4 favorites, creating a worship experience that's both accessible and impactful for your congregation.

Discover moderate slow worship songs in a 6/8 time signature, ideal for creating contemplative moments in worship. These songs bring a gentle rhythm suited to prayer and reflection. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to enhance your worship with slow, soulful melodies that invite deep connection with God.

Moderate slow worship songs in 4/4 provide a steady, contemplative pace that's perfect for creating a reflective and worshipful atmosphere. These songs are ideal for themes of surrender, gratitude, and devotion, inviting worshipers to connect deeply with God. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to equip your worship team in delivering these moderate slow 4/4 favorites, enhancing your worship service with a peaceful and heartfelt ambiance.

This selection of moderate slow worship songs combines reflective tempos with inspiring lyrics, encouraging a deep connection with God. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to enhance your worship experience with these thoughtful, moving songs.