Maranda Curtis
Maranda Curtis
Born and raised in Miami, FL to Reverend W.S. Curtis and Mrs. Darlene Curtis, the fourth of seven children, Maranda quickly found singing to be a source of comfort. Maranda has had the opportunity to share the stage with such gospel artists as Pastor John P. Kee, Kurt Carr, Youthful Praise & more. Known for her melodic tones and her natural flow in worship, Curtis continues to soar as a leading voice in the gospel music industry. Maranda’s signature sound has been featured on various music projects as a lead vocalist and audiences have taken to her sound very well. Maranda lives by the belief, “Worship is not a matter of skill; it’s a lifestyle!”
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This collection of worship songs is crafted to celebrate the powerful moment of baptism, symbolizing new life, renewal, and dedication to faith. With themes of salvation, transformation, and surrender, these songs help congregations honor the commitment made through baptism. Each song serves as a reminder of God's love and grace, inspiring worshippers to rejoice in the journey of faith and spiritual rebirth.
Straight from our arrangers to you. This list is the new release feed for all of our chord charts, sheet music, and multitracks — everything new in one place, all hot off the press. Listen on Spotify. For all the new music released every Friday and each week, check out New Music Friday Worship and New Worship This Week.
This is as up-to-date as it gets. If a new song hits the airwaves and it starts trending fast, chances are you will be able to spot it here. If an old song suddenly spikes because of a unique current event, you'll see that here as well. So get out a bag of popcorn and hit refresh every 10 minutes to watch the race. Listen on Spotify.
The standard of righteousness is God, and if we are in Christ, our righteousness is Jesus' own, imputed to us. "That I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith". Philippians 3:8b-9. Here is a list of worship songs & hymns about righteousness.
Of all the hundreds of song lists we have at PraiseCharts, this is the benchmark. This is the most comprehensive and overarching list we have. Our algorithm pulls in the most popular songs on our website, scoring them on a trending scale to help you find new songs and re-discover old ones. Bookmark this list and check back daily because these songs are always changing.
The latest worship songs are a testament to the talent and passion fo Christian artists. These top new praise and worship songs will uplift and inspire faith. Check back often, because this list will be refreshing often with the top worship songs released from the past month. Listen on Spotify.