Michaela Barrett
Michaela Barrett
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Celebrate the gift of family with worship songs that honor the love, unity, and support found within families. These songs encourage gratitude for the bonds we share with those closest to us and remind us of God's presence in every home. Download chord charts, lead sheets, vocal sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to bring these meaningful songs to life in your worship setting.

So how did we come to be accepted by God? We heard about what Jesus did for us, that He died, was buried, and rose again to pay for our sins. We learned He took our place on the cross and became sin for us 2 Corinthians 5:21 so we could live. One day we did the only thing we could to be accepted, we believed in Jesus. As a result the Father graciously saved us and accepted us. - Ephesians 2:4-7.

As believers, we need to daily pick up our cross and follow Him. This is only done through surrender. Galatians 2:20 tells us, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Here is a list of songs and hymns about surrender.

Jesus taught about how we could enter the Kingdom of God, His miracles proved the power of the Kingdom of God, and He taught about the truth of the Kingdom of God. With His incarnation, Jesus instituted the Kingdom of God here and now, and also promised the Kingdom of God yet to come. Here are songs celebrating our hope because of the Kingdom of God.

Honoring and celebrating our parents is a Biblical attribute. To honor God is to revere and fear Him. Only the Lord is deserving of such ultimate glory or reverent fear. True honor for God was the basis and model for honoring others, especially parents. Our obedience to God starts with trust and then comes from abiding in the life of Christ rooted in love (John 15:14-15). Loving the Lord is the source of obedience and doing what Jesus commands shows love for him (John 14:15,21; 15:10, 14). Parents Day takes place July 25, 2021. Download chord charts or special song arrangements you need to lead these songs celebrating parents and family.