Alfred Sacred
Alfred Sacred
Alfred Sacred (a division of Jubilate Music Group) features contemporary/blended music from composers such as Mary McDonald, Joel Raney, Mark Hayes, Jay Rouse, Tom Fettke, and more.
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Featured in These Lists
Jesus did for us what we could never do for ourselves. His great sacrifice is the only means by which we could ever obtain our greatest gift of salvation. Out of grateful hearts, we sing songs of praise and adoration for who He is. Here is a list of songs about our Savior, Jesus Christ.
God is good, all the time. It is not just a catchphrase. It is truth, even when we don't understand it. When we have trouble hearing from God, when He feels far away, when we look around and we can't understand, God is still good. His goodness is just as true when we have blessings to celebrate as when we have tears to shed. Here is a list of songs that speak of the goodness of God. All the time, God is good.
Songs about strength encourage us in times of weakness, trouble, sorrow, and need. Here is a list to uplift your heart, focused on strength. Download the chord charts, choir sheets, patches, and multitracks to best support your church worship teams.
As believers, we need to daily pick up our cross and follow Him. This is only done through surrender. Galatians 2:20 tells us, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Here is a list of songs and hymns about surrender.
Worship songs about holiness draw us into reverence and awe of God's pure and perfect nature. These songs inspire us to honor His holiness and seek a closer, sanctified walk with Him. Through themes of purity, devotion, and surrender, they remind us of the call to be holy as He is holy. Download chord charts, vocal sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to lead your congregation in worship centered on God's holiness.
Jesus taught about how we could enter the Kingdom of God, His miracles proved the power of the Kingdom of God, and He taught about the truth of the Kingdom of God. With His incarnation, Jesus instituted the Kingdom of God here and now, and also promised the Kingdom of God yet to come. Here are songs celebrating our hope because of the Kingdom of God.