Madison Cunningham
Madison Cunningham
Featured Albums
Featured in These Lists
This is as up-to-date as it gets. If a new song hits the airwaves and it starts trending fast, chances are you will be able to spot it here. If an old song suddenly spikes because of a unique current event, you'll see that here as well. So get out a bag of popcorn and hit refresh every 10 minutes to watch the race. Listen on Spotify.
As we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we give thanks for and embrace the power of the Holy Spirit with the authority given through Christ. This is a list of chord charts, special arrangements, and orchestrations designed for your congregation as you declare and celebrate Pentecost or the theme of fire.
If you are looking for fast worship songs to raise the energy level of your church, this is the list. These upbeat worship songs will inspire people to sing at the top of their lungs, raise their hands, clap, and maybe even ... dance! Download multitracks, choral arrangements, or other tempo arrangements to accompany your worship set.
These worship songs center on God as our Rock—our steadfast foundation and unshakable strength in every season. With lyrics that celebrate His stability, faithfulness, and power, these songs remind us that we can stand firm in Him, no matter the storms we face. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to bring these powerful expressions of God as our Rock into your worship setting.
These worship songs invite us into the peace and rest found in God's presence, reminding us to lay down our burdens and trust in His care. Through lyrics that offer comfort and assurance, they encourage us to find true rest in Him. Perfect for moments of reflection or calm, download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to share these songs of rest and renewal in your worship service.
“In Christ alone, my hope is found, he is my light, my strength, my song.” These words from Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend echo deep theological truths. Yet often we need to be reminded of the hope we have, as it is easy to get distracted by daily activities, challenges, and hard times. Here is a list of songs that will encourage and offer assurance of the hope we have.