Vineyard Worship

Vineyard Worship
Vineyard Worship exists as an organic extension of the Vineyard church movement in the USA (Vineyard USA). We are, in a phrase, "from the church, for the church.” We are not a music company first and foremost; we are a non-profit worship ministry. Our efforts will be centered in the cultivation and empowerment of the core value of worship in the Vineyard or more simply put "to help the local church experience God", rather than in a profit-driven music business model.
We believe that the Vineyard continues to have a unique voice and quality in the broader Church's experience of worship. We believe that the songs, words and expression of our worship are different because they are informed and infused with Vineyard core values -- intimacy, accessibility and authenticity. Our music is not written from within a vacuum; it comes from the trenches of local Vineyard church ministry as they seek to experience engaging the Kingdom of God in their local communities. Our founder, John Wimber, said that our worship leaders should be ministers first and musicians second. We still believe this is a vital emphasis for us. We make it our aim to instill this servant's heart deep into our Vineyard worship community.
Vineyard Worship was established in response to the original worship songs that were being born out of the fledgling Vineyard movement. We needed a home for the things God was birthing in our midst. This is still the case today. The Vineyard still has a role to play to bless the whole Church in worship by expressing our unique God-given voice - a unique expression of heart and values that has been called "Vineyard Worship".
We have a dynamic and prolific creative community in the Vineyard, and Vineyard Worship maintains the ability to speak into this community; being able to give creative, spiritual and theological input influencing content of our songs before they are written. At the same time, Vineyard Worship provides an outlet and gathering point for these local Vineyard church worship expressions to bless our wider Vineyard worship community and beyond. We are always on the ready to document what God is doing in our local churches - making our songs accessible to everyone.
Since its beginning, Vineyard Music has existed as a voice of the Vineyard movement in worship. As we move forward, we recognize a need to embrace a wider definition of worship, and therefore, a much larger scope for our activities and efforts. We believe that the corporate expression of worship is based not solely around music, but the areas of visual arts and media, though they have never been a specific focus of our ministry. By folding these areas into our current ministry vision, we can act as a connection point and catalyst not only for the musical aspects of our Vineyard churches, but also for those working with the visual arts and media.
Featured Albums
Featured in These Lists

Explore moving renditions of "O Come O Come Emmanuel," a hymn anticipating the arrival of Christ and bringing hope to the Advent season. These versions add reverence and depth to worship. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to celebrate the coming of Emmanuel in your services, sharing the anticipation of His presence.

Straight from our arrangers to you. This list is the new release feed for all of our chord charts, sheet music, and multitracks — everything new in one place, all hot off the press. Listen on Spotify. For all the new music released every Friday and each week, check out New Music Friday Worship and New Worship This Week.

This is as up-to-date as it gets. If a new song hits the airwaves and it starts trending fast, chances are you will be able to spot it here. If an old song suddenly spikes because of a unique current event, you'll see that here as well. So get out a bag of popcorn and hit refresh every 10 minutes to watch the race. Listen on Spotify.

Death and destruction were defeated through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Your hope and faith in God are based not only in the death of Jesus, but His power of defeating the penalty and power of sin, which is death. True life is lived through the benefit of Christ rising from the grave. Download the best chord charts, piano/vocal sheets, choir sheets, orchestrations, and more on the theme of the grave.

Engaging, relevant, and specific worship arrangements made for choral groups and ensembles. These arrangements can easily show up at your door by using our print-on-demand option. Find even more songs for the worship-leading choir here.

Jesus is the face of mercy, showing us what it means to welcome and pardon our adversaries. Mercy is transformative, challenging our postures to be pointed towards all of whom God calls His children. As mercy binds with truth, righteousness joins with peace, a representation of God's faithful will to break barriers among His kingdom. Charts, lead sheets, and orchestrations built for your church service focusing on God's mercy.