Dustin Smith

Dustin Smith
Dustin is an Integrity Music Artist, Song Writer and Worship leader, who has a desire to see the nations ignited with a passion for worship. With an unyielding love for God and His people, Dustin has been able to cross denominational lines with his music. He has an attitude that gives God all the glory, and that attitude transcends age, race, color and creed.
Dustin is a husband and father of three, who grew up in a Pastor’s home and has been in church his whole life. He has seen the joys and challenges of working and growing up in the church, but his dedication to seek the face of the God has caused him to rise as a voice to the nations that increase the value of God in other people’s eyes.
Dustin has been and continues to be connected to a local church and is continually inspired by his Pastor, the congregation that he worships with, and his own personal journey with God. His songs range from adoration to warfare, but the message is the same, the Lord alone is worthy of praise. He believes that when people see God for who He really is, they can’t help but worship loudly and extravagantly.
Dustin has an international appeal and has impacted nations such as Uganda, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. He has released independent albums including Healing Waters, Open the Floodgates, Everything Inside Me and You Are the Fire which has been re-released with Integrity Music as Rushing Waters. In addition, he has done teachings on a variety of topics such as Worthless Worship, Are You God Conscious? and Function Before Title.
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Find stage charts of songs for the backline worship musician where you'll be able to easily see the major song sections and the repeating chord progressions. These are the most recently added stage charts added to our catalog.

This is as up-to-date as it gets. If a new song hits the airwaves and it starts trending fast, chances are you will be able to spot it here. If an old song suddenly spikes because of a unique current event, you'll see that here as well. So get out a bag of popcorn and hit refresh every 10 minutes to watch the race. Listen on Spotify.

Celebrate Father's Day with worship songs that honor fathers and God's fatherly love. These stage charts provide essential arrangements for your worship team. Download stage charts and multitracks to bring an uplifting and heartfelt tone to your Father's Day service.

Lead sheets with fully arranged soprano, alto and tenor parts are the easy and quick go-to when you want to resource your praise and worship team. Written on a single staff with chords noted above, these high quality charts can be used by the full rhythm section and vocalists. Go in to practice feeling confident in the resources at hand, knowing your team will sound great! Need more vocal resources? Check out our Piano/Vocal Packs.

As we read through the founding of the church and disciples' ministries on earth, we can see that times were hard. Facing persecution, ridicule, and even death, the disciples cling to the hope of Jesus and his return to help them overcome these difficult times. We can also have this hope through our difficulties. Jesus gives his Holy Spirit to those who believe and follow him. We can have strength to overcome trials knowing that God is with us. We also know that one day Jesus will return and those who follow him will be united with him. These songs and hymns show how we can persevere in difficulty by focusing on the hope we have in Jesus and that one day he will return.