Kevin Prosch
Kevin Prosch
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Download chord charts, piano sheets, lyrics, vocal sheets, choral arrangements, orchestrations, multitracks on the theme of reigning.
In Matthew 4, Jesus was walking along the seashore. He saw a set of brothers fishing in their boat. He called out to them just as He calls out to you now. He said, “Follow Me.” In that moment, Peter and Andrew had a choice to make. Do they go on doing the good work they are doing, paying no mind to the man inviting them to drop everything and follow Him? Or to they take steps of faith, knowing there is something different about this Jesus? Later, Jesus calls Peter the rock on which He would build His church.
Wonderful Counsellor, King of Kings, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God reveals Himself through the sacred communication of His name. As we are named with a purpose to be known, God is named so that we may know Him with purpose. And because we know Him, we praise His name eternally. Here is a list of songs focusing on His name.
Download chord charts, vocal sheets, orchestrations, patches, and multitracks.
Our voices are the symphony of our prayers, lifted in adoration to the splendor of God. He hears our faith through our song. He sees our spoken testimony as awakened believers. And because of this, He celebrates alongside the fellowship of His people, commanding His angels to carry on the sound of worship. Here is a list of songs focused on the joyous movement that is singing.
Angels sing to praise Him. Nations bow down in reverence of His splendor. The power of Christ’s Lordship is made accessible to us through the passion of His sacrifice. The result of His resurrection is what brings Him universal authority, and what we offer as gratitude is shown through our obedience to Him. Here is a list of songs focusing on Christ’s Lordship.