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We gather in Churches across the earth as we attempt to fathom ALL that happened and ALL that was accomplished on the cross 2000 years ago; “…that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ…” (2 Cor 5:19). For many it represents reconciliation, restoration, forgiveness, righteousness, salvation and many other areas that Christ accomplished on our behalf by being nailed to a cross. Find songs, hymns, and choruses that represent Jesus and the nails of the Cross.
When we sing about God's grace and we believe the truth deep in our hearts, it affects our lives. We live with more compassion. We extend more mercy. We feel more empathy. This is why worship songs about grace and mercy are so important to the church. Every day and every week, through song and word, we must remind ourselves about the nature of God who is full of grace. What we receive from God, we extend to others. This is the full cycle of worship.
Download chord charts, lead sheets, choir sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks for songs and hymns on the theme of servanthood.
Find Christian songs and hymns based on the theme of the Saints. Find chord charts, vocal sheets, hymn sheets, and more!