Henry Smith
Henry Smith
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We include the piano sheet within the full piano vocal pack of a song where available. but sometimes you want the single sheet for your pianist. Download accompanying chord charts, lead sheets, choir sheets, and orchestrations to fill out the worship team. Find more Thanksgiving songs and arrangements here.

Thanksgiving rhythm charts bring structure and warmth to songs of gratitude, supporting band-driven worship with a steady beat. Perfect for Thanksgiving services, download rhythm charts to equip your rhythm section in delivering joyful and heartfelt worship music for the holiday.

Download the best traditional hymns for Thanksgiving that you can use to plan your worship services and express thanksgiving to God.

We arrange all of our top songs in four-part harmony (SATB) so that your choir can lead the way when it is time to worship at church. And besides, people look best in choir robes. We know this, and you know this. Here is a list of our top downloaded vocal sheets. You can bet that all the worship songs that show up at the top of this list are well suited for choir. Find more songs for the choir here.

With fully transcribed piano part to help your pianist accompany the entire worship band, and vocal parts written out so that your lead singers are not guessing at what to sing, our charts will help eliminate the guesswork. This list represents the newest thanksgiving-themed piano/vocal charts we have added to the site.

We are grateful for a God who has met us where we are in Christ, saving us from sin and death in the Cross. We are grateful for the fact that blessings truly come from God, our creator. This is a list of orchestrations designed for your congregation as you declare and celebrate the Thanksgiving season.