Heath Balltzglier
Heath Balltzglier
Featured Albums
Featured in These Lists

This is as up-to-date as it gets. If a new song hits the airwaves and it starts trending fast, chances are you will be able to spot it here. If an old song suddenly spikes because of a unique current event, you'll see that here as well. So get out a bag of popcorn and hit refresh every 10 minutes to watch the race. Listen on Spotify.

Straight from our arrangers to you. This list is the new release feed for all of our chord charts, sheet music, and multitracks — everything new in one place, all hot off the press. Listen on Spotify. For all the new music released every Friday and each week, check out New Music Friday Worship and New Worship This Week.

The latest worship songs are a testament to the talent and passion fo Christian artists. These top new praise and worship songs will uplift and inspire faith. Check back often, because this list will be refreshing often with the top worship songs released from the past month. Listen on Spotify.

Of all the hundreds of song lists we have at PraiseCharts, this is the benchmark. This is the most comprehensive and overarching list we have. Our algorithm pulls in the most popular songs on our website, scoring them on a trending scale to help you find new songs and re-discover old ones. Bookmark this list and check back daily because these songs are always changing.

With all this new worship music coming out every week, choirs are more important than ever. Whether your style is traditional, contemporary, or charismatic, a worship choir puts the focus on people who want to actively lead worship -- with their voices and their faces. We have made sure that all the best worship songs have vocal sheets with parts to sing for soprano, alto, bass, and tenor voices. If you can make room on your team for a choir, (or even just want to break into parts) these songs will raise the roof in your church!