Henry Seeley
Henry Seeley
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These worship songs about protection remind us of God's steadfast presence and shelter through every trial. With lyrics that speak to His role as our defender and refuge, these songs inspire trust in God's unfailing care. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to lead your congregation in worship that celebrates God's protective hand over our lives.
Every Friday, Christian music publishers release a fresh flow of new music featuring the latest from your favorite Christian artists and songwriters. We keep a pulse on all the new worship songs that churches are widely singing around the world. Check out our curated list of brand new songs in our New Music Friday Worship list. Many of those songs find their way into this list. If you want to keep a pulse on the best music that has been released within the last seven days, this is your list! Check back regularly to see the latest trending songs available with chord charts, vocal charts, instrument arrangements, patches, and multitracks. Listen on Spotify.
Jesus did for us what we could never do for ourselves. His great sacrifice is the only means by which we could ever obtain our greatest gift of salvation. Out of grateful hearts, we sing songs of praise and adoration for who He is. Here is a list of songs about our Savior, Jesus Christ.
God is good, all the time. It is not just a catchphrase. It is truth, even when we don't understand it. When we have trouble hearing from God, when He feels far away, when we look around and we can't understand, God is still good. His goodness is just as true when we have blessings to celebrate as when we have tears to shed. Here is a list of songs that speak of the goodness of God. All the time, God is good.
With fully transcribed piano part to help your pianist accompany the entire worship band, and vocal parts written out so that your lead singers are not guessing at what to sing, our charts will help eliminate the guesswork. This list represents the newest piano/vocal charts we have added to the site.