Try Our New Stage Charts - Perfect For Your Backline Musicians
With a glance, you'll be able to easily see the major song sections and the repeating chord progressions. Every chord is big and bold. Put them on the stage floor, out of the way. You can even read them from your phone! These charts don't replace chord charts and lead sheets. Use those to learn the song mid-week. Hammer out the details at practice. Get the groove into your soul. Then, use the stage chart as a reference on Sunday.

Find stage charts of songs for the backline worship musician where you'll be able to easily see the major song sections and the repeating chord progressions. These are the most recently added stage charts added to our catalog.
Sometimes all we need is the back structure and chord progression of the song. These Stage Charts can be used to help the backline musician or music director know the important elements outlined in the song. These charts are easily customizable and transposable to fit the needs of the worship band. Download stage charts for the Lent, Easter, Advent, or Christmas Seasons.
Find Easter-specific stage charts of worship songs for the backline musician supporting the worship band. For a limited time, all our Stage Charts are free. Download as many as you like. Don't miss out!
Use the stage chart for supporting the whole worship band in Pentecost-themed worship songs.
Find stage charts of songs for the season of Lent leading up to Easter.
What do you give your backline musicians when they don't really need a full set of charts. More often than not, bass and electric guitar players are chicken scratching their own notes on a piece of paper and having them as a reference on the floor beside their pedalboard. Find the stage charts of many of the popular Christmas songs.