In Christ Alone / Solid Rock (Medley) Sheet Music PDF (Travis Cottrell)

In Christ Alone / Solid Rock (Medley) Sheet Music PDF (Travis Cottrell)

In Christ Alone / Solid Rock (Medley)
Travis CottrellPiano/Vocal Pack Details
Download the sheet music for In Christ Alone / Solid Rock (Medley) by Travis Cottrell, from the album The Reason. This song was arranged by Daniel Galbraith in the key of D, E, Eb.
SongID | 71065 |
Language | English |
Album | The Reason |
Artists | Travis Cottrell |
Authors | Keith Getty, Stuart Townend |
Arrangers | Daniel Galbraith |
Publishers | PraiseCharts Publishing |
CCLI Song No. | 3350395 |
Instruments | Piano, Guitar, Vocal |
File Type | |
Pages | |
Original Key | Eb |
Available Keys | D, E, Eb |
Meter | 3/4 |
Style | Ballad |
Tempo | Slow |
Theme | Abiding, Aspiration, Atonement, Blood, Breakthrough, Breath, Children, Christ, Church, Comfort, Communion, Confidence, Cornerstone, Cross, Crucifixion, Death, Destiny, Easter, Encouragement, Fear, Good Friday, Home, Hope, Jesus, Lent, Life, Light, Love, Modern Hymn, Peace, Power, Resurrection, Righteousness, Satisfy, Security, Sin, Strength, Victory, Guilt, Shame, Body, Calm, Quietness, Hell, Lost, Anchor, Storm, Gift, Wrath, Christmas Worship |
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