Song Lists

Christ Be Magnified Devotional

The journey of faith is a continuous ebb and flow of drawing nearer to God, of letting our own desires and ambitions fade as the brilliance of Christ shines brighter within us. In the profound worship anthem Christ Be Magnified by Cody Carnes, we hear a heartfelt cry for the exaltation of Jesus in our lives, a desire that mirrors John the Baptist's declaration in John 3:30. The song begins with an earnest plea, *"Were creation suddenly articulate with a thousand tongues to lift one cry, then from north to south and east to west, we'd hear 'Christ be magnified!'”* These powerful words set the stage for a narrative that underscores the importance of Christ's preeminence in all things. John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, embodied this sentiment. Though he had a significant ministry, drawing people from all over to the message of repentance, John always retained sight of his primary purpose: to point people to Christ. When his disciples felt a tinge of jealousy because Jesus was drawing bigger crowds, John's response was clear and humble: "He must increase, but I must decrease." How can we embrace this same posture in our daily lives, allowing Christ to be magnified in every situation? 1. Surrender Daily: Each day offers new challenges and new opportunities. By starting our day with a prayer of surrender, we signal to God our willingness to let Him lead. "Christ be magnified" is not just a phrase; it's a daily commitment. 2. Embrace Humility: John's willingness to play second fiddle to Jesus is a powerful lesson in humility. Recognizing that all gifts, talents, and opportunities come from God helps us use them to point others to Him rather than drawing attention to ourselves. 3. Seek His Glory, Not Yours: In every accomplishment, every praise, and every platform, our primary aim should be the glorification of Christ. As the chorus of the song resounds, *"Oh, Christ be magnified! Let His praise arise! Christ be magnified in me,”* let that be our genuine prayer in every season. The bridge of Christ Be Magnified offers a beautiful surrender: *"I won't bow to idols, I'll stand strong and worship You. And if it puts me in the fire, I'll rejoice because You're there too."* This mirrors the sentiment of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar's golden image, confident that God was with them even in the fiery furnace. Being a Christian doesn't mean we'll escape challenges. In fact, there might be situations where standing up for Christ puts us in difficult positions. However, like the heroes of faith before us, our resolve should remain unshaken. For when we stand with Christ, we are in the best company. Today, as you hum or sing Christ Be Magnified, take a moment to introspect. Are there areas in your life where you've been increasing and Christ has been decreasing? It's never too late to realign. Let's allow this song to become the anthem of our hearts, a continuous prayer that in every moment, every situation, and every season, Christ would be magnified.John 3:30 - "He must increase, but I must decrease."

Song List