
Lift High The Name Of Jesus Video

Featuring Posted on September 5, 2013

A thought from Kristyn

1 Peter 3:15 (ESV)
But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.

Is the hope I profess with my lips written in my life? And then when I am asked about it, do I have something to say? When I'm sitting at the hair salon, when I'm paying for my groceries, when I talk about things around the dinner table, when I am in a meeting at work, when I'm playing sport, when I'm planning my daily schedule... Can people see the Lordship of Christ in my heart?

This verse in 1 Peter presupposes that my life reveals my hope to be in Christ in such a way that people notice and so ask questions. It seems that while there are Bible verses that exhort us to plainly share our faith, we are told even more that a greater part of the 'telling' is the significance of the witness of a Christian life sincerely and purposefully lived, of a life that makes the gospel beautiful and attractive to people around them. Then as we do this, we remember all the while that He is the Lord of the harvest; He makes things grow; He saves so that we're neither discouraged nor arrogant but know the privilege of being part of the work of His kingdom.

These were some of the key thoughts behind the writing of this song - lives sharing the new life they have been given with those around them. I remember going as a young girl to a friend's house and seeing this little phrase on their kitchen notice board: “blossom where you're planted.” I always thought that was a helpful way of thinking about the Christian life and evangelism - making the most of the path beneath your feet, serving best the people immediately around you, seeing the light of eternity in the ordinary of your life. A life that lifts high the name of Jesus will always bear the best and most enduring fruit.

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