
That Jesus Christ is King of Kings Who Reigns in Majesty

Featuring Dennis Jernigan Posted on April 8, 2010

Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Beginning and the End. Apart from Him there is nothing.

Above Him there is no other. To know life in its fullest in this life, it stands to reason that we should get to know the Giver of Life. To get to know the Giver I must seek Him. When we seek Him with our entire being then the Enemy has very few places where he can interject his deceptions. If my mind is engaged in worship and my hands are engaged in service and my emotions are directed to God and my thoughts are engaged in thinking on what is good and right and pure then just where can the Enemy get in? There are so many benefits to seeking the King. He truly is our All in All and the Answer we need…especially when we face things we do not understand. He is King of even those circumstances. He is in utter control whether we see it or not. It is when I close off that relationship that I shut off the essence of my life. To shut out relationship with God is like trying cap the power of a volcano with a baseball cap! Something’s going to blow!

How can you keep the flow of relationship going in your life today? Are there any areas where that relationship is cut off and in danger of blowing?

But if I say, "I will not remember Him
Or speak anymore in His name,"
Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire
Shut up in my bones;
And I am weary of holding {it} in,
And I cannot endure {it.}
Jeremiah 20:9 NASB

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