
Control In The Chaos

Featuring Branon Dempsey Posted on January 28, 2009

Trust/faith is the caveat that guides our belief in the grace and love of Christ. It is also a very venerable thing to open your life to God and say, "Lord here am I".  It’s venerable because it may require you to do something out of your comfort zone. Stepping out of our familiar places brings uncertainty and fear of the unknown. So why do we fear the unknown? Possibly because we cannot control it. Control seems to be the number one force that disables us in letting go. Like a sail boat that loosens it’s anchor and goes adrift from shore. Your feet are immovable. Your body grows tense. Your spirit grows faint. All you can do is watch as the wind carries it away. At other times, we may feel that we are the ship being lost at sea. When and where is the Savior? Why is this happening? How long will this continue? It is only human to ask such questions.

At times in my life, I, too, have seen many things sail away out of my control. Sometimes, I feel that I am on a raft, desperately paddling to safety. What do all of these events have in common. They are not beyond the Lord’s eye. In worship, it is this same kind of letting go that God desires of us. To throw off every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us (Heb. 12:1) and to receive His invitation of fellowship. This begins by a simple understanding of trust. However, sometimes the most simplest things are the hardest things at the same time. But trust. Trust in the whisper of the Saviour when he says: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest,” (Matt. 11:28). Obedience comes into action in the form of a response. We respond to God according to who He is, what He says and what Scripture claims Him to be.

When we obey the Master’s call, we throw our trust and cast our cares upon Him. He is able to take control over the things that we cannot. This is why He says in Matt. 11:29, “Place my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest for your souls.” If this Master is gentle and humble, how can we not learn from His ways? Nowhere else on earth guarantees us this kind of rest that’s good for our souls. Outside of this rest is fear and torment. By His perfect love, He casts out all fear. This relief compels our heart, mind and spirit to join Him in fellowship. Where does this lead? To a life where we are fulfilled. He fulfills every need and every desire. Many other desires are contrary to this kind of love. This kind of love, is the wind and essence that guides us beyond the waters. The wind of His Spirit.

His love speaks to us in ways that even the skies cannot contain. Let him have your heart. Let Him guide your soul. Let Him take you to the only place where you can enter into His rest.  Perfect Love. This is where life has meaning. Control is not required nor needed. He knows what’s best. He knows our frame. He knows how much we can take. He is gentle. He will guide. Open your heart to worship Him through trust and obedience. His yoke is easy. His burden is lighter than any weight that you have ever carried. How much longer can you pull the weights of the world? The anchors of those many ships? Let them go. Hold onto Christ. Let Him be your control in the chaos.
