God So Loved Devotional

You've heard it from the pulpit a million times. You've heard it another million sitting on that pew beside your mom. You've seen it under Tim Tebow's eyes and by this point you probably have it written in sharpie on the back of your hand. John 3:16. But why do we neglect the power and impact of a message or phrase based on its increasing occurrence? “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” If I'm being honest, I have always thought of and interpreted this verse as it pertains to me because it's what's familiar. “God so loved America” or “God so loved the town I grew up in” or “God so loved my high school.” It's all I've ever known. However, the amazing thing is that he actually loves you enough to love the whole world because it gives you a context for your identity. The fact that He loves you amongst the entirety of the globe must mean two things. One, that you are incredibly special and worth loving. And two, you aren't isolated. It's one thing to love a single particular color on its own like blue or green, but when you see that color incorporated onto a beautiful masterpiece of a canvas, all of a sudden it has an identity that, in turn, enhances its character. Based on the song God So Loved by Ed Cash, Scott Cash, Franni Cash, Andrew Bergthold, Martin Cash, Kyle Briskin. Original post by We The Kingdom is available on YouVersion based on the album Holy Water.

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