
The Ethnos Project

Posted on June 4, 2014

We live in a unique time where massive shifts in demographics have permanently altered the human social and spiritual landscape. In the United States, non-white births are now the majority and the population is set to have no racial majority in a few more decades. Globally, the majority of Jesus followers are now in the Global South and East, with one in every four Christians being African and one in every eight being Asian. Add to these facts the reality that over half the world’s population now lives in cities, and it is clear that we are in a unique moment in history.

None of this, of course, is a surprise to the God of the Bible. In fact, it has all come under His sovereign and all-knowing care and rule. Thankfully, His heart has always been for the nations – not just bringing the nations to Himself (e.g. Matthew 28:18-20), but also bringing the nations to each other as a multiethnic, multi-socioeconomic body, to live for Him (e.g.Ephesians 2:16). And He has always been a God who raises up leaders and voices in this body to advance His global mission (e.g. Acts 13:1).

The Ethnos Project is an attempt to follow Jesus closely as He raises up new voices for this new moment in history. We pray that these voices touch you deeply, moving you to join in on what He is doing. We look forward to hearing from you. To Him be the glory.

Dr. Yucan Chiu & Eric Lige
